
Black Desert Mobile Class Guide - Which Ones Should You Play?

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Apr 17, 2024
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With 23 classes to choose from in Black Desert Mobile, deciding which one to main can be difficult. This comprehensive guide covers all BDM classes, their playstyles, strengths, and more to help you find the perfect fit.

Black Desert Mobile offers players an incredible amount of class diversity with 23 different options to choose from. However, with so many varied playstyles to pick between, deciding on a main class can feel overwhelming. This comprehensive Black Desert Mobile class guide will break down all 23 classes, their strengths, weaknesses, and playstyles to help you find the perfect match.

Why Choose the Right Class Matters

In Black Desert Mobile, your choice of class is crucial as it determines your playstyle, combat abilities, and overall enjoyment of the game. Each class offers a unique set of skills and specializations, catering to different preferences and strategies. Whether you prefer to engage in close combat, rain destruction from a distance, or support your allies with powerful spells, there's a class that suits your style.

The Expanded Class Selection

Since its launch in 2019, Black Desert Mobile has expanded its class selection, providing players with an even wider range of options. From the versatile Arch Mage to the agile and deadly Kunoichi, each class brings something unique to the table. Let's delve into some of the standout classes and explore what they have to offer.

Arch Mage 

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The Arch Mage, also known as the Invoker, is a powerful spellcaster who can control elemental powers to devastating effect. With skills that excel in both co-op and solo play, this class offers versatility and crowd control. Embrace the elements of ice and fire as an Arch Mage, or awaken to become an Invoker and harness the powers of earth and sky.


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If ranged combat is your preference, look no further than the Archer class. Swift and agile, these bowmen excel at providing critical support from a safe distance. Whether you choose to wield a Crossbow for quick-fire action or a great bow for ranged advantage, the Archer class is a force to be reckoned with.

Blade Master 

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The Blade Master, also known as the Warlord, is a melee class that specializes in martial arts and blade techniques. With fluid movements and whirlwind combos, this class excels at confusing and dispatching enemies with lightning-fast strikes. Choose the path of the Blade Master or awaken to become a Warlord and showcase your mastery of the blade.


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For those who crave the raw power of the sea, the Corsair class is the perfect choice. With a curved serenata blade, this class moves with the fluidity of the tide, crashing through enemies like stormy waves. Create devastating walls of water and unleash monsoons from a fair range, ensuring the upper hand in battles.


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The newest addition to Black Desert Mobile, Drakania, combines the best of both worlds. This fully ascended class wields immense draconic power and devastating area-of-effect attacks. Whether you prefer a brutal hack 'n' slash style or dazzling grand maneuvers, Drakania's simplistic tactics manifest into a breathtaking display of power.


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The Warrior class, which can ascend to become a Gladiator or awaken into a Berserker, is a well-rounded choice for both offense and defense. Armed with a longsword and shield, the Gladiator excels at classic hack-and-slash damage. On the other hand, the Berserker wields a gigantic great sword, unleashing overwhelming power in a flash.

Grand Master 

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The Striker class, also known as the Grand Master, relies on physical prowess and a brawler background to overpower enemies. With a gauntlet and a wide range of fighting styles, the Striker becomes a superhumanly powerful fighter. Alternatively, awaken to become a Yacha and wield a Gardbrace, harnessing the power of the Echo Spirit.


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If you're looking for a class that can cause pandemonium among enemy ranks, the Hashashin is the perfect choice. Manipulate the desert sands and strike with a Shamshir to blast holes in enemy frontlines. With stealthy maneuvers and penetrating assaults, the Hashashin excels in supportive roles while handling daunting situations independently.


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For players who prefer to keep their distance from the thick of battle, the Huntress class is an excellent choice. Skilled at debuffing enemies from afar, the Huntress sharpens her accuracy as she ascends to become a Windwalker. Trade the bow for a Kamasylven Sword and a Feather, showcasing swift and graceful combat.


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The Kunoichi is a fierce and evasive melee fighter, capable of flitting around the battlefield with lightning speed. With a hailstorm of assaults and trusty Kunai, this class strikes fear into enemies while remaining elusive. Master the art of agility and become a true force to be reckoned with.


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The Lahn classes in Black Desert Mobile are agile and swift warriors who excel in wielding blades. While they share similarities, there are distinct differences between the two. The Lahn class possesses a unique ability to soar through the sky, surprising opponents with deadly aerial attacks using her pendulum blade.


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The Lotus class in Black Desert Mobile is the female counterpart to the Musa. Once she has honed her skills in archery, martial arts, and swordsmanship, she ascends to become the Lotus. This class excels in accuracy and deals significant damage by chaining together dynamic combos learned through rigorous training.


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In Black Desert Mobile, the Lupa class is the ascended form of the Tamer. Accompanied by the divine beast Heilang, the Lupa class possesses a unique advantage in battle. Coordinating their attacks, the Lupa and Heilang become an unstoppable force that few enemies can withstand.


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The Mystic class in Black Desert Mobile is a melee class that relies on combos and the power of dragons in combat. Devastating moves like the Dragon Punch utilize the spirit of the dragon to decimate enemies and leave them stunned. The Mystic also has the ability to regenerate health and incorporates various buffs and debuffs into her attacks.


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The Nova class in Black Desert Mobile is a formidable force to be reckoned with. Armed with a morning star and an impenetrable shield, she maximizes her versatility on the battlefield by harnessing the power of her royal guards.


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The Valkyrie, a fiercely proud warrior, can ascend to the Paladin class in Black Desert Mobile. Proficient in both offensive and defensive tactics, the Paladin excels in close-quarter combat. She deals massive damage and possesses various buffs and regeneration skills to support her allies. 
The Valkyrie's skill set is ideal for cooperative play and proves invaluable in raids. Her ability to inflict heavy damage when adventuring alone ensures her survival.


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The Sorceress class in Black Desert Mobile harnesses dark magic and employs a combination of ranged and melee tactics. Upon ascending, she becomes the Raven or awakens as the Reaper, both of which are more sinister than the original Sorceress.

The Raven continues the Sorceress's work with the Amulet and Talisman, conjuring even more destructive magic and shrouding her enemies. The Reaper fully unlocks the potential of the Sorceress's dark magic and adopts a more tangible fighting style with a scythe, embracing a morbid persona.


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The Sage class in Black Desert Mobile relies on intelligence rather than brute force. Armed with the Kyve, a space-bending gadget of their own invention, the Sage uses it offensively and defensively. They bombard enemies with unavoidable attacks and debuffs while swiftly repositioning themselves around the battlefield to maintain the upper hand.


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The Shai class in Black Desert Mobile is a well-rounded character capable of handling various challenges. While proficient in combat and capable of taking on hordes alone, the Shai's passive skills focus on Life Skills development. This allows the fully ascended Shai to master gathering and alchemy faster than other classes, making her self-sufficient.


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The Solaris class in Black Desert Mobile wields the great ax Jordun with the prowess of a Norse Goddess. She boasts one of the best melee ranges among the classes and excels in dealing massive AoE damage. The Solaris class harnesses the power of the sun, infusing her attacks with radiant energy. With her destructive skills and overwhelming strength, she can decimate groups of enemies and emerge as a dominant force on the battlefield.


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In Black Desert Mobile, the Sura class is a swift and agile warrior who wields six katanas with unparalleled speed. This class is known for its incredible velocity, allowing it to quickly close the gap between enemies and unleash a whirlwind of devastation. After delivering a devastating assault, the Sura can swiftly dash out of harm's way or reposition itself for another attack.


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The Titan class in Black Desert Mobile offers two paths for players to choose from: Titan and Destroyer. Originally a simple Giant, the Titan ascends to new heights of power, while the Destroyer awakens to a more advanced state. Both subclasses are true berserkers capable of dealing and enduring massive amounts of damage. Their focus lies in heavy area-of-effect attacks rather than singling out specific enemies. The Titan wields a powerful ax to fell groups of foes, while the Destroyer prefers overwhelming cannon blasts from the Iron Buster. These formidable brutes excel at crowd control and are perfect for swiftly clearing battlefields.

While the Titan and Destroyer classes may not provide the most intellectually stimulating gameplay experience, they are invaluable assets in multiplayer settings. Their tanky nature allows them to absorb substantial amounts of damage and eliminate enemies before they can reach more vulnerable party members.

Void Knight

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The Void Knight class in Black Desert Mobile specializes in crowd control and excels in handling hordes of enemies. Though she bears the title of a knight, it is important to ensure the Dark Knight is well-armored, as she is comparatively squishier than many melee classes. However, she possesses several long-range attacks that enable her to deal significant damage while maintaining a safe distance from harm. Maneuvering the Dark Knight effectively requires a tactical player with finesse, as her defensive shortcomings demand careful positioning. In the right hands, she can unleash lethal dark magic upon her foes.

Upon ascending to the Void Knight, she enhances her long-range abilities and fortifies her armor deficiency. Armed with a mighty Kriegsmesser sword and an Ornamental Knot, she becomes a formidable force, decimating enemies with a combination of steel and powerful spells. As the awakened Phantasma, the Void Knight harnesses the power of dark spirits to conjure multiple blades, wreaking havoc upon her adversaries.

How to Choose the Right Class

Now that you're familiar with some of the standout classes in Black Desert Mobile, it's time to choose the one that resonates with your play style. Here are a few tips to help you make the right decision:

Consider Your Preferred Playstyle: Are you more inclined towards close combat, ranged attacks, or supporting your allies? Think about the type of gameplay that brings you the most enjoyment and select a class that aligns with it.

Explore Class Specializations: Each class has its own set of specializations and unique abilities. Take the time to research and understand what each class excels at. Do you prefer dealing with massive damage, crowd control, healing, or tanking? Find a class that matches your desired role in the game.

Experiment and Test: The best way to know if a class suits your playstyle is to try it out firsthand. Take advantage of the trial periods or character creation options available in Black Desert Mobile to get a feel for the class's mechanics and combat style.

Consider Longevity: Black Desert Mobile is a game that you may invest a significant amount of time in. Consider how a class evolves and progresses as you level up. Does it offer versatility and growth potential? Choose a class that will keep you engaged and excited as you progress through the game.

Seek Community Input: Engage with the Black Desert Mobile community, whether it's through forums, social media groups, or in-game chats. Ask for advice and opinions from experienced players who have tried different classes. Their insights and experiences can provide valuable guidance in your decision-making process.

With these tips in mind, you're now equipped to make an informed decision on which class to choose in Black Desert Mobile. Remember, there's no right or wrong choice – it's all about finding the class that brings you the most enjoyment and suits your preferred playstyle.


With 23 options to choose from, deciding on a main class in Black Desert Mobile can feel overwhelming. However, this guide broke down the core mechanics and playstyles of all available classes to help narrow down which ones might suit you best. In the end, the most important thing is to experiment and have fun! Don't be afraid to try different classes either, as BDM rewards alts through inventory storage and contribution points. I hope this helps enlighten you on your classpath in this expansive mobile MMORPG. Please let me know if any other questions come up!

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