Aether Gazer Tier List for 2024: The Definitive Rankings
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Jun 27, 2024
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Discover the definitive 2024 Aether Gazer tier list and unlock the secrets to dominating the game. Dive into in-depth analysis, expert insights, and strategies for maximizing your Modifier choices

In the ever-evolving world of Aether Gazer, staying ahead of the curve is essential for achieving victory. As the game continues to expand its roster of Modifiers, players must navigate the shifting meta to assemble the ultimate team. This comprehensive 2024 Aether Gazer tier list is your ultimate guide to navigating the complex landscape and securing your path to success.

Aether Gazer: A Constantly Evolving Landscape

Aether Gazer, the captivating action RPG, has captivated players worldwide with its dynamic gameplay, stunning visuals, and ever-expanding roster of Modifiers. Developed by Yostar, the game consistently introduces new content, Modifiers, and balance changes, keeping the meta in a constant state of flux.

Navigating this ever-changing landscape can be a daunting task, but fear not – this 2024 Aether Gazer tier list is your comprehensive roadmap to triumph. By delving into the strengths and weaknesses of each Modifier, we'll empower you to make informed decisions and build the ultimate team to conquer the toughest challenges.

Understanding the Tier List

The Aether Gazer tier list categorizes the Modifiers into different tiers: SS, S, A, B, and C. Each tier represents the overall strength and utility of the Modifiers. SS-tier Modifiers are the most powerful and versatile, while C-tier Modifiers are less impactful and useful mainly for beginners.

Let's dive into the Aether Gazer tier list for 2024 and explore the Modifiers in each tier.

SS-Tier Mods

The SS-tier Modifiers in Aether Gazer are the cream of the crop. These Modifiers offer exceptional abilities and can easily clear even the toughest challenges. If you want to dominate the game effortlessly, these Modifiers should be your top priority. The SS-tier Modifiers in the 2024 tier list include:


So-ei - Kuramitsuha
Taiyi - Gencheng
Untainted Heart - Lingguang
Taiyi - Gencheng
Puppet Master - Hades
Phantasmal Dawn - Hera

S-Tier Mods

The S-tier Modifiers in Aether Gazer are also highly valuable additions to your team. While they may not be as powerful as the SS-tier Modifiers, they can still help you conquer most of the game's content. With the right upgrades and equipment, these Modifiers can reach their potential and become formidable allies. The S-tier Modifiers in the 2024 tier list include:


Firebrand - Tyr
Winged Gardener - Yingzhao
Omnisight - Luliang
Azure Lord - Mengzhang
Roaring Thunder - Thor
Jackal - Anubis
Backflowing - Oceanus
Enlightening - Heimdall
Darkstar - Hel
Living Soul - Osiris
Rahu - Asura
Shinri - Tsukuyomi
Early Sakura - Ookuninushi
Arctic Abyss - Poseidon

A-Tier Mods

The A-tier Modifiers may not be as powerful as the SS or S-tier Modifiers, but they can still make a significant impact on your gameplay. With proper investment and upgrades, these Modifiers can become valuable assets to your team. Pay attention to them when building your lineup. The A-tier Modifiers in the 2024 tier list include:


Ailuros - Bastet
Rage Serpent - Marduk
Chord of Convallaria - Athena
Flowfly Mist - Shu
Drowsie - Oneiroi
Countertide - Leviathan
Waverender - Skadi
Ryugiri - Kagutsuchi
Jin ei - Kuninotokotachi
Ablaze - Tyr
Airgetlam - Nuadha
Tidal Song - Poseidon
New Pact - Verthandi

B-Tier Mods

The B-tier Modifiers in Aether Gazer have average overall stats and don't provide significant utility on the battlefield. While they may not contribute significantly to your victories, they can still be useful for mid-game content. However, investing resources in obtaining SS, S, and A-tier Modifiers is generally a better choice for an easier in-game journey. The B-tier Modifiers in the 2024 tier list include:


Wasteland Fiend - Kingu
Cleansing Wind - Enlil
Windwalker - Hermes
Comet R4Y - Zenkibo Tengu
Thundertusk - Kali
Archaic Oath - Verthandi
Gusty Lance - Shu
Dark Mistletoe - Hodur
The Glare - Apollo
Shinku Buzenbo - Tengu
Sakubo - Tsukuyomi
The Innocence - Osiris

C-Tier Mods

These Modifiers are often more suitable for beginners or players who are still building their teams and progressing through the early stages of the game. While these Modifiers may not offer the same level of power as the higher tiers, they can still be useful in certain situations. They may have niche abilities or provide support to other stronger Modifiers on your team. It's important to consider your playstyle and team composition when incorporating C-tier Modifiers into your strategy.


Drifting Flurry - Leviathan
Croc Rage - Sobek
Radiant Feather - Hera
Frost Fang - Vidar
Surefire - Zenkibo Tengu


The Aether Gazer tier list for 2024 provides a valuable resource for players to make informed decisions when selecting Modifiers for their teams. Remember, the tier list is not set in stone and will continue to evolve with each update from Yostar. It's crucial to stay updated with the latest changes to maintain a competitive edge.

Whether you prefer the sheer power of the SS-tier Modifiers or the versatility of the S and A-tier Modifiers, the key is to find Modifiers that complement your play style and form a cohesive team composition. Experimentation and adapting to the evolving meta will be vital for success in Aether Gazer.

So, dive into the game, explore the vast roster of Modifiers, and strategize your way to victory. With the Aether Gazer tier list for 2024 as your guide, you're one step closer to becoming a formidable force in the world of Aether Gazer.

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