How to Restart Animal Crossing New Horizons in 2024
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Jun 27, 2024
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Discover the step-by-step process to effortlessly restart your Animal Crossing: New Horizons game in 2024. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to start fresh on your island.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has captured the hearts of millions of players since its release in 2020. The game's immersive island life, charming characters, and endless customization options have made it a beloved addition to the Animal Crossing franchise. However, as players progress through the game, there may come a time when a fresh start is desired. Whether you're looking to start a new island, experiment with different gameplay choices, or simply want to experience the early game content again, restarting your Animal Crossing: New Horizons save file can be a daunting task.

Why Restart Animal Crossing New Horizons?


Before we delve into the process of restarting the game, let's explore why you might want to restart Animal Crossing New Horizons in the first place. There could be several reasons for wanting a clean slate:

Starting Over with a New Island
Maybe you've made some mistakes in your previous gameplay, or you simply want to try a different approach. Starting over gives you the opportunity to create a brand-new island with a fresh vision in mind.

Relive the Excitement
The initial days of playing Animal Crossing New Horizons are filled with excitement and anticipation. By restarting the game, you can relive those moments and rediscover the joy of exploring your island and meeting new villagers.

Experiment with Different Strategies
Restarting the game allows you to experiment with different strategies and gameplay styles. You can try out new design ideas, and landscaping techniques, and even pursue different goals.

Preparing Your Island for Restart

Before you can begin the restart process, it's crucial to ensure that your island is ready for the transition. This involves carefully planning and organizing your island to minimize the impact of the reset on your progress and belongings.

1. Backup Your Save Data

The first and most important step is to ensure that your saved data is backed up. This will allow you to restore your progress if needed or transfer specific items to your new island. There are a few ways to backup your Animal Crossing: New Horizons save data:

- Nintendo Switch Online Backup: If you have an active Nintendo Switch Online subscription, your game save data is automatically backed up to the cloud. You can access and restore your saved data from the Nintendo Switch Online app.

- Local Backup: You can also create a local backup of your saved data by following these steps:
 - Ensure your Nintendo Switch is updated to the latest firmware.
 - Go to System Settings > Data Management > Save Data Cloud Backup.
 - Select "Back Up Save Data" and choose the Animal Crossing: New Horizons save data.


2. Organize and Transfer Your Belongings

Next, you'll want to organize your island and prepare your belongings for the restart. This includes:

- Sorting and cataloging your items, including furniture, tools, and resources.
- Gifting or selling any items you don't want to keep.
- Transferring valuable or sentimental items to a trusted friend's island for safekeeping.
- Ensuring all your villagers have moved out or been gifted to other players.

By taking the time to properly organize and prepare your island, you'll make the restart process much smoother and ensure that you don't lose any valuable items or progress.

3. Prepare Your Finances

Before restarting your island, it's a good idea to take care of any outstanding financial obligations. This includes:

- Paying off any remaining home loans or infrastructure upgrades.
- Ensuring your Bells, Nook Miles, and other currencies are at a manageable level.
- Withdrawing any savings or investments you may have accumulated.

By tying up these loose ends, you'll be able to start your new island with a clean financial slate.

Initiating the Restart Process

Now that you've prepared your island and backed up your saved data, it's time to begin the restart process. Follow these steps to reset your Animal Crossing: New Horizons game:

1. Open the Animal Crossing: New Horizons application on your Nintendo Switch.


2. From the title screen, select "Settings" and then choose "Restart Island."

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3. The game will prompt you to confirm your decision to restart the island. Carefully read the warning message, as this action will permanently delete your current island and all progress associated with it.

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4. If you're sure you want to proceed, select "Yes" to confirm the restart.

5. The game will now begin the reset process, which may take a few minutes to complete. During this time, your current island will be deleted, and a new island will be generated.

6. Once the reset is finished, you'll be prompted to select your character's appearance and name, as well as customize the new island's basic details, such as its name and island layout.

7. After completing the initial setup, you'll be transported to your brand-new island, ready to embark on a fresh Animal Crossing: New Horizons adventure.

Transferring Data and Restoring Progress

While restarting your Animal Crossing: New Horizons island means losing your current progress, you can still transfer certain data and items to your new island. Here's how to do it:

1. Utilize the Backup Save Data feature to restore your previously saved file. This will allow you to retrieve important information, such as your character's appearance, Nook Miles, and other account-specific data.

2. Contact any friends who may have items or villagers you'd like to transfer to your new island. They can visit your new island and share these resources with you.

3. If you have any valuable or sentimental items stored with a trusted friend, now is the time to retrieve them and bring them to your new island.

4. Use the Nook Stop in Resident Services to redeem any Nook Miles you had accumulated on your previous island. These can be used to jumpstart your progress on the new island.

By carefully managing the transfer of data and items, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new Animal Crossing: New Horizons island, allowing you to pick up where you left off and continue your island journey.


Restarting your Animal Crossing: New Horizons game can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and preparation, it can be a rewarding experience. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you'll be able to reset your island, transfer important data and items, and embark on a fresh Animal Crossing adventure in 2024.

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