Apex Legends Mobile: Mastering The Abilities Of The Legends In 2024
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Mar 22, 2024
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Discover the exciting world of Apex Legends Mobile characters and their unique abilities in this comprehensive guide. Learn about the available legends, their playstyles, and how to dominate the battlefield.

As one of the most eagerly anticipated and well-received ports of a renowned battle royale game, Apex Legends Mobile brings together 60 players in an ultimate showdown. With a diverse roster of unique characters and their exceptional abilities, this game offers an unparalleled gaming experience. If you're a passionate Apex Legends Mobile gamer looking to delve into the depths of each character's abilities, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of all the available characters in Apex Legends Mobile, along with their remarkable abilities. So, grab your smartphone, get ready to immerse yourself in the action, and let's dive in!

Do Characters in Apex Legends Mobile Work Like the PC/Console Version?

Before we delve into the intricacies of each character's abilities, it's crucial to address a common query: Do the characters in Apex Legends Mobile function similarly to their counterparts in the PC and console versions? While the core abilities of each character remain intact across platforms, there may be slight variations in gameplay due to specific balancing and tweaks required for mobile devices. Although weapon and ability damage numbers might be adjusted, the essence and core qualities of each legend remain untouched. So, whether you're a Wraith enthusiast or a Gibraltar devotee, rest assured that your skills and strategies will seamlessly transition to the mobile realm.

Can I Expect More Characters in Apex Legends Mobile Soon?

Absolutely! As the Apex Legends Mobile developer continues to optimize the game and introduce new content, the roster of characters is expected to expand. While the current global release offers a limited number of characters, future updates will bring an array of legends from the PC and console versions. So, keep your eyes peeled as we regularly update our list of Apex Legends Mobile characters to ensure you never miss out on the latest additions to the game.

List of Characters in Apex Legends Mobile Right Now

Without further ado, let's explore the captivating lineup of characters available in Apex Legends Mobile. Each legend possesses a unique set of abilities that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. So, choose your character wisely, and let's conquer the arena!

1. Bloodhound

For those Apex Legends Mobile gamers who possess an insatiable thirst for tracking down enemies and shedding blood, Bloodhound is the perfect legend for you. Hailed as one of the greatest hunters the Frontier has ever witnessed, Bloodhound combines their technological tracking skills with a tragic past. Orphaned at a young age due to a devastating facility meltdown, Bloodhound was raised by their uncle Arthur, who attempted to instill traditional ways but failed. Embracing modern technology, Bloodhound honed their skills to become a formidable force on the battlefield.


Passive Ability: Tracker – Unleash your tracking prowess as Bloodhound grants you the vision to detect any tracks left by your foes, enabling you to uncover their recent movements.

Tactical Ability: Eye of the Allfather – Peer into the shadows and reveal hidden enemies, traps, or clues within structures, gaining a strategic advantage over your adversaries.

Ultimate Ability: Beast of the Hunt – Tap into the power of the Norse Gods and unleash your inner beast. This ability enhances your movement speed and agility, transforming the surroundings into monochrome and highlighting preys in red, facilitating swift and devastating takedowns.

2. Bangalore

Designed specifically for frontline warriors, Bangalore is a battle-hardened soldier with a military background. Hailing from a family deeply intertwined with the IMC organization, Bangalore's combat experience is unparalleled. Stranded on a Syndicate planet after a tragic ship crash claimed the life of her brother Jackson, Bangalore fights in the Apex Games to earn enough to return home and reunite with her remaining family.


Passive Ability: Double Time – When under fire, Bangalore's sprinting speed increases by 30% for a brief period, allowing for quick evasion or tactical repositioning.

Tactical Ability: Smoke Launcher – Launch a high-velocity smoke canister, creating a dense smoke wall upon impact. Utilize this smoke screen to deceive enemies and gain a strategic advantage.

Ultimate Ability: Rolling Thunder – Unleash chaos upon your foes with an artillery strike. This devastating ultimate ability rains destruction upon the battlefield, leaving your enemies in disarray.

3. Octane

If you're an adrenaline junkie seeking the thrill of danger, Octane is the legend for you. Octavio Silva, known as Octane, was once a daredevil performer until a tragic accident led to the loss of his legs. Refusing to let adversity define him, Octane turned to experimental stimulant technology to regain his zest for life. Now, with his bionic legs and an insatiable need for speed, Octane enters the Apex Games as the ultimate high-speed daredevil.

Passive Ability: Swift Mend – As a daredevil fueled by adrenaline, Octane gradually regenerates health over time, allowing him to quickly bounce back from injuries.

Tactical Ability: Stim – Activate your stimulant-filled syringe and boost your movement speed at the cost of a small health sacrifice. Use this ability to outmaneuver your opponents and gain the upper hand in close-quarters combat.

Ultimate Ability: Launch Pad – Deploy a launch pad that propels you and your teammates into the air, offering a strategic advantage in both offensive and defensive situations. Soar above your enemies and rain down destruction upon them.

4. Gibraltar

If you're searching for an immovable fortress on the battlefield, Gibraltar is the guardian you need. Makoa Gibraltar, known as Gibraltar, is a gentle giant with a protective nature. Raised by his family in a small community where legends are born, Gibraltar joined the military to honor his family's legacy. With his fortified shield and a heart as resilient as his armor, Gibraltar stands tall as the epitome of defensive prowess.


Passive Ability: Gun Shield – Gibraltar deploys a gun shield whenever aiming down sights, protecting him from incoming fire and granting him additional durability.

Tactical Ability: Dome of Protection – Activate your dome shield, creating a protective barrier that blocks incoming attacks and revives downed teammates within its radius.

Ultimate Ability: Defensive Bombardment – Summon a concentrated mortar strike upon a designated area, bombarding your enemies with explosive shells and forcing them to scatter or face certain destruction.

5. Lifeline

When it comes to providing crucial support on the battlefield, Lifeline is second to none. Ajay Che, known as Lifeline, is a combat medic with a heart of gold. Growing up in a family of war veterans, Lifeline was drawn to the medical field to alleviate suffering and save lives. Now, armed with her trusty D.O.C. drone and an unwavering commitment to her teammates, Lifeline ensures that no one is left behind.


Passive Ability: Combat Revive – Lifeline can revive downed teammates faster while placing a shield wall in front of her for protection. This ability allows for swift and secure revives even in the heat of battle.

Tactical Ability: D.O.C. Heal Drone – Deploy your D.O.C. drone, which emits a healing beam that restores health to Lifeline and her teammates within its vicinity. Use this ability to sustain your team's health during intense firefights.

Ultimate Ability: Care Package – Call in a drop pod containing high-quality defensive gear, healing items, and attachments to support your team. This ultimate ability ensures that your squad is well-equipped to face any challenge.

6. Pathfinder

If you enjoy traversing the map with grace and precision, Pathfinder is the mechanical marvel you've been searching for. Modeled after MRVN (Mobile Robotic Versatile eNtity) units, Pathfinder is an optimistic and friendly scout. Equipped with grappling hooks and an uncanny ability to analyze the Ring's movements, Pathfinder is a master of mobility and reconnaissance.


Passive Ability: Insider Knowledge – Scan a survey beacon to reveal the next Ring's location. This ability grants your team valuable information, allowing for strategic positioning and route planning.

Tactical Ability: Grappling Hook – Launch a grappling hook that propels you towards a target location, allowing for swift and agile movement across the battlefield. Use this ability to gain the high ground or escape dangerous situations.

Ultimate Ability: Zipline Gun – Deploy a zipline that connects two points, enabling you and your teammates to quickly traverse difficult terrain and gain a positional advantage.

7. Wraith

Prepare to enter the realm of the supernatural with Wraith, a legend who can manipulate spacetime itself. Abducted and experimented on by the IMC, Wraith emerged with mysterious abilities and a fragmented memory. Driven by the need to uncover her past, Wraith fights in the Apex Games, hoping to find answers amidst the chaos.


Passive Ability: Voices from the Void – Wraith receives a voice cue when danger approaches, alerting her to nearby enemies. This ability grants her heightened situational awareness, allowing for swift reactions.

Tactical Ability: Into the Void – Phase into an alternate dimension for a brief period, becoming invulnerable to damage and gaining increased movement speed. Use this ability to evade enemy fire and reposition yourself for a surprise attack.

Ultimate Ability: Dimensional Rift – Open a dimensional rift that connects two locations, allowing you and your teammates to teleport between them. This ultimate ability offers unparalleled mobility and the ability to outmaneuver your enemies.

8. Caustic

Caustic, also known as Alexander Nox, was once a brilliant scientist at Humbert Labs. However, his ambition to create foolproof pesticides drove him to madness. He began testing his dangerous gases on human subjects, which led to destruction and confrontation. Now, as a character in Apex Legends Mobile, Caustic participates in the Apex Games to experiment with his deadly gas creations and observe their effects on people.


Passive Ability: Nox Vision - Caustic can see enemies through his own gas, as well as enemy gas. This ability provides a green outline of enemies, making it easier for Caustic to eliminate them.

Tactical Ability: Nox Gas Trap - Caustic deploys gas canisters that explode when enemies approach or when shot. These gas traps can be strategically placed to lock down buildings and prevent enemies from entering.

Ultimate Ability: Nox Gas Grenade - Caustic throws a powerful gas grenade that covers a large area, damaging enemies within its radius.

9. Mirage

Mirage, known as the Holographic Trickster of the Outlands, is a master of confusion and entertainment in the Apex Games. Prior to joining the games, Mirage worked as a part-time bartender. However, his aspirations were fueled when his mother gifted him customized holo devices, allowing him to pursue his dreams and participate in the Apex Games. Mirage is now renowned for his witty humor and charming personality.


Passive Ability: Now You See Me - Mirage can cloak himself while reviving downed teammates or interacting with Respawn beacons, using his holo technology.

Tactical Ability: Psyche Out - Mirage creates holographic decoys with limited health and footsteps to deceive enemies. This ability can be used to flank enemies or create distractions.

Ultimate Ability: Life of the Party - Mirage deploys multiple decoys simultaneously, becoming temporarily invisible himself. This allows Mirage to escape, take cover, or further deceive enemies.

10. Fade

Fade is a mobile-exclusive legend introduced with the global launch of Apex Legends Mobile. As the phasing punisher, Fade shares some similarities with Wraith from the PC/console version of the game.
Hailing from Salvo, Fade joins the Apex Games seeking revenge for his family, who were brutally killed by mercenaries searching for a mysterious simulacrum suit with phase technology.


Passive Ability: Slipstream - Fade gains a momentary speed boost after sliding, increasing his movement speed.

Tactical Ability: Flash Back - Similar to Wraith's phase ability, Fade can phase back to a previous location from a short while ago. This ability can be used to disorient enemies or make strategic plays for the team.

Ultimate Ability: Phase Chamber - Fade throws a throwable grenade that sends all characters within its range into the void for 3.5 seconds. While in the void, players cannot shoot each other but can freely move around. This ability is useful for disengaging fights or confusing enemies.

11. Loba

Loba Andrade, the newest addition to the Apex Games, joined the roster with the launch of the second season of Apex Legends Mobile. Loba's motivation for joining the games is to seek revenge against Revenant, who killed her parents when she was young. Loba relies on Jump Drive technology to maneuver out of difficult situations and secure valuable loot for herself and her teammates.


Passive Ability: Eye for Quality - Loba can spot nearby epic and legendary loot through walls, giving her an advantage in acquiring high-tier loot before enemies and teammates.

Tactical Ability: Burglar's Best Friend - Loba uses Jump Drive technology integrated into a bracelet to teleport herself to safety or gain a tactical advantage during combat.

Ultimate Ability: Black Market Boutique - Loba places a portable device, the Black Market, that allows her to teleport nearby loot directly into her inventory. Teammates can also interact with the Black Market to obtain desired items, such as weapon attachments and healing supplies.

12. Wattson

Wattson is a defensive character in Apex Legends Mobile who excels at using traps and shields to secure areas. While she lacks the offensive capabilities of legends like Gibraltar or Caustic, her unique abilities make her a valuable asset on the battlefield.


Passive Ability: Spark of Genius - Wattson can fully charge her Ultimate ability by using just one Ultimate Accelerant, allowing her to deploy her powerful Ultimate more frequently.

Tactical Ability: Perimeter Security - Wattson can connect nodes to create electrified fences that damage and slow down enemies. These fences are an effective way to control and defend key areas on the map.

Ultimate Ability: Interception Pylon - Wattson places an electrified pylon that destroys incoming ordinances, including Gibraltar's mortar strike, and repairs damaged shields. This ability provides valuable defensive support to her team and can turn the tide of battle.

13. Crypto

Crypto is a surveillance expert in Apex Legends Mobile, specializing in stealth and preparation. He is a hacker determined to clear his name after being framed for his sister's murder. By joining the Apex Games, Crypto aims to expose the truth and seek justice.


Passive Ability: Neurolink - Enemies detected by Crypto's tactical ability within 30 meters of his position are marked for the entire squad. This ability provides valuable intelligence and helps the team stay aware of enemy movements.

Tactical Ability: Surveillance Drone - Crypto deploys an aerial drone that provides a bird's-eye view of the surrounding area. This drone is a powerful tool for gathering information and scouting ahead, but it has a 40-second cooldown if destroyed.

Ultimate Ability: Drone EMP - The Surveillance drone can unleash a powerful EMP blast that deals shield damage, slows enemies, and disables traps. This ability is particularly useful for disrupting enemy defenses and creating opportunities for your team to strike.

14. Revenant

Revenant is a deadly assault legend in Apex Legends Mobile with a dark past. Once human, he was transformed into a robotic shell by Hammond Robotics. Now driven by vengeance, Revenant seeks to bring down the company that ruined his life. The Apex Games serve as both a means of entertainment and a platform for his quest for revenge.


Passive Ability: Stalker - Revenant can crouch-walk faster and climb higher than other legends. This ability gives him enhanced mobility and allows him to navigate the battlefield with agility and stealth.

Tactical Ability: Silence - Revenant throws a device that deals damage and disables enemy abilities for a duration of up to 15 seconds. This ability is effective for disrupting enemy tactics and reducing their effectiveness in combat.

Ultimate Ability: Death Totem - Revenant drops a totem that protects players from death for a short period. If players die while under the totem's protection, they will be returned to the totem instead of being eliminated. This ability, when combined with other legends like Octane, can create powerful strategies and turn the tide of engagements.


In the fast-paced world of Apex Legends Mobile, the power of the legends truly shines. With a diverse roster of characters, each possessing their own unique abilities, the game offers an exhilarating experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats. From the technological tracking skills of Bloodhound to the explosive combat expertise of Bangalore, the adrenaline-fueled speed of Octane, and the defensive fortitude of Gibraltar, there's a legend to suit every playstyle.

As the game continues to evolve, the developers are committed to expanding the roster, ensuring that players always have something new and exciting to look forward to. Apex Legends Mobile is a standalone game designed specifically for mobile devices, providing an optimized gaming experience that captures the essence of the PC and console versions.

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