
Battleground Mobile India Tier - Ranking System

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Dec 25, 2023
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This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the BGMI Tier ranking system. Detail below!

In the fiercely competitive Indian mobile gaming market, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has gained immense popularity. With over 100 million active players, climbing up the ranks and achieving a top-tier position is a challenging feat. Achieving a high rank in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) requires not only skill but also a deep understanding of the game's tier ranking system. With millions of players vying for the top positions, it's crucial to know how the points are calculated and how to reset them for a new season. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the BGMI Tier ranking system, including the point calculation system, how to reset points for a new season, and the method of calculating points for each match.

Exploring the Tiers in BGMI


BGMI features a tier-based ranking system consisting of ten Tiers. The tier ranking system in BGMI serves as a measure of a player's skill and progress. Starting from the Bronze Tier, players must accumulate points by participating in classic matches. The higher the tier, the more challenging the competition becomes. Each tier has a specific range of points, and players must surpass the minimum threshold to move up to the next tier. Each Tier has a specific range of points, as outlined below:

Bronze Tier: 1000 points to 1700 points
Silver Tier: 1701 points to 2200 points
Gold Tier: 2201 points to 2700 points
Platinum Tier: 2701 points to 3200 points
Diamond Tier: 3201 points to 3700 points
Crown Tier: 3701 points to 4200 points
Ace Tier: 4201 points to 4700 points
Ace Master Tier: 4701 points to 5200 points
Ace Dominator Tier: 5201 points onwards
Conqueror Tier: Top 500 players in the game

Except for the last four Tiers, each Tier consists of five sub-ranks, denoted as V to I. For instance, within the Bronze Tier, Bronze V is the lowest rank, while Bronze I represents the highest rank. The sub-ranks continue until Crown I.

Resetting Tiers at the Beginning of a New Season

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At the end of each season, which typically lasts a few months, the tiers are reset to lower levels. This allows players to have a fresh start and compete for higher ranks once again. However, the reset process comes with a deduction of points based on the player's previous rank. Higher-ranked players will have more points deducted, ensuring a more level playing field for the new season. The standard Tier reset for each season is as follows:


Tier at the end of the previous seasonTier at the beginning of the new season

Bronze I
Silver I
Gold I
Platinum I
Diamond I
Crown I
Ace Master
Ace Dominator


Bronze I
Silver I
Gold IV
Gold III
Gold I
Platinum III
Platinum III
Platinum II
Platinum I
Platinum I


Calculating Points at the End of Each Match

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To calculate the points earned in a match, several factors come into play. First and foremost, the number of kills has a significant impact on points. The more kills a player registers, the higher the points they receive. Dealing a substantial amount of damage to opponents also contributes to point accumulation. Additionally, utilizing healing items or abilities to sustain oneself during the match results in extra points. These factors include:

Finishes: Achieving a high kill count during the match will result in more points.
Damage: Dealing a substantial amount of damage to opponents will increase the points earned.
Healing: Utilizing healing items or abilities to restore your health will contribute to additional points.
Airdrop Supplies: Looting airdrops, although risky, provides high-grade military equipment and grants more points.
Revives: Supporting teammates by reviving them enhances your chances of earning additional points.
Distance Covered: Moving across the map extensively increases the distance covered, resulting in more points.
It is crucial to note that camping, or staying idle for extended periods, should be avoided if the goal is to quickly progress to higher Tiers in BGMI.

Players who dare to venture towards airdrop supplies are rewarded with high-grade military equipment and, consequently, more points. However, looting airdrops can be risky, as it often attracts other players who also desire the valuable loot. Reviving teammates who have been knocked out or killed is another way to earn points in BGMI. Teamwork and support are highly valued in the game.

Another factor that affects point calculation is the distance covered during the match. Moving around the map extensively and exploring different areas increases the distance covered. This, in turn, contributes to a higher point count. It encourages players to be proactive and engage in dynamic gameplay rather than adopting a passive camping strategy.



Understanding the intricacies of the point calculation system and the tier reset process is crucial for players aiming to climb the ranks in BGMI. It allows them to strategize their gameplay, focus on key performance indicators, and maximize their point accumulation. By consistently improving their skills and adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of the game, players can aim for the prestigious Conqueror Tier, which is reserved for the top 500 players.

BGMI's tier ranking system provides a competitive environment for players to showcase their skills. By accumulating points through various gameplay elements such as kills, damage, healing, airdrops, revives, and distance covered, players can progress through the tiers and aim for the top ranks. With each new season, the tiers reset, allowing players to start afresh and compete for higher positions. It's a challenging journey that requires dedication, strategic thinking, and continuous improvement to succeed in the dynamic world of BGMI.

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