
Best Clash Royale Deck 2023

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Nov 27, 2023
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Discover the best Clash Royale deck of 2023. Unlock the secrets to constructing the most powerful deck, optimized for success in the ever-evolving Clash Royale meta. Dominate your opponents with the best card combinations and strategic gameplay.

Clash Royale may seem simple on the surface, but the strategic depth lies in constructing the perfect deck. In this article, we present a comprehensive list of the best Clash Royale decks for 2023. Whether you prefer the might of the Mega Knight or the agility of the Ram Rider, our selection has something to suit your playstyle and help you conquer your opponents.

We have curated a collection of top-tier Clash Royale decks, each catering to different popular deck archetypes. From bridge spamming to enemy unit baiting, these decks offer unique strategies and strengths that can elevate your gameplay in competitive matches. If you're a Clash Royale enthusiast, be sure to check out our other recommendations for the best mobile card games.


P.E.K.K.A. Deck:

The P.E.K.K.A. deck is a fantastic choice for offensive gameplay, with the ability to defend when necessary. It combines powerful cards to apply pressure on your opponents. The mighty Battle Ram, accompanied by the Bandit, creates intense pressure, while the Electro Wizard and P.E.K.K.A. combination forms a robust defense that is difficult to break through.

- P.E.K.K.A.: A formidable unit that serves as the backbone of your defense. It can withstand heavy attacks and eliminate threats effectively.
- Battle Ram: This card adds constant pressure on your opponent's towers, dealing significant damage with its charging ability.
- Bandit: An excellent addition for offensive plays, the Bandit's dash ability quickly eliminates enemy troops or damages towers.
- Electro Wizard: A versatile card that provides both defensive and offensive support. It stuns enemies with its electrical attacks, giving you an advantage in battles.
- Royal Ghost: This sneaky unit is great for surprise attacks and taking out enemy troops without being easily detected.
- Minions: Air units that contribute to both defense and offense, providing a versatile option for countering enemy troops and damaging towers.
- Zap: A quick and versatile spell that deals damage and resets the attack of enemy troops, giving you a tactical advantage.
Poison: Use this spell for area denial, dealing damage over time and weakening enemy troops and defenses.


2.6 Hog Cycle Deck:

The 2.6 Hog Cycle deck is all about dealing massive damage and requires an aggressive playstyle. However, it's important to avoid overextending and leaving yourself vulnerable. Keep in mind that the Cannon in this deck is not effective against air units, so it's wise to save your Musketeer specifically for countering Balloons or Lava Hounds. The best part is that all the cards in this deck are easy to obtain and upgrade. With a good understanding of how to execute effective pushes, you'll be on your way to securing victories.

- Hog Rider: This is your main offensive card, dealing significant damage to enemy towers. Use it to apply constant pressure on your opponent.
- Fireball: A versatile spell that deals area damage, perfect for clearing enemy troops or finishing off weakened towers.
- Zap: A quick spell that stuns enemy troops and resets their attack. It can also be used to retarget the opponent's defenses or disrupt their strategies.
- Ice Golem: This card acts as a tank, soaking up damage and slowing down enemy troops' movement speed. It is also useful for kiting and distracting.
- Skeletons: A low-cost card that can be used for cycling through your deck quickly, distracting enemy troops, or supporting your push.
- Ice Spirit: Another low-cost card that freezes enemy troops briefly, providing an opportunity for your Hog Rider to deal extra damage.
- Musketeer: Save this card for countering air units like Balloons or Lava Hounds. Its long-range attacks are perfect for taking them down.
- Cannon: While not effective against air units, this building is useful for pulling and distracting ground troops, providing a defensive advantage.


Musicmaster's X-Bow Deck:

The Musicmaster's X-Bow deck offers a good balance between defense and offense, making it a flexible choice. In most cases, it's recommended to play defensively and take your time to analyze your opponent's deck. When facing big threats like a Lava Hound, apply pressure by deploying an X-Bow. However, be cautious not to overextend and compromise your defense.

- Elixir Collector: This card helps you generate elixir advantage over time, allowing you to deploy stronger troops and spells.
- X-Bow: Your main offensive card, the X-Bow is excellent for long-range damage on enemy towers. Use it strategically to pressure your opponent.
- Ice Golem: This card acts as a tank, soaking up damage and slowing down enemy troops' movement speed. It can also be used for kiting and distracting.
- Skeletons: A low-cost card that can be used to cycle through your deck quickly and distract enemy troops.
- Ice Spirit: Another low-cost card that freezes enemy troops briefly, providing an opportunity for your X-Bow to deal extra damage.
- Musketeer: This troop offers long-range attacks and is effective against both ground and air units. Use it to support your defense and counter enemy units.
- Fireball: A versatile spell that deals area damage, perfect for clearing enemy troops or finishing off weakened towers.
- Tesla: This building provides excellent defensive capabilities, targeting both ground and air units. It's great for distracting and damaging enemy troops.


Golem Beatdown Deck:

The Golem is widely recognized in Clash Royale for its high hit points and decent damage output. This Golem deck focuses on overpowering your opponent and disrupting their defenses. However, it's important to exercise caution because once your Golem is defeated, you become vulnerable to counterattacks.

- Golem: This is your main unit, known for its massive hit points. Deploy the Golem to create a powerful push and absorb enemy attacks while your supporting units deal damage.
- Barbarian Barrel: Use this spell to clear enemy troops and support your Golem push. It can also provide additional damage to towers.
- Tornado: This versatile spell allows you to pull enemy troops together, making them easier to defeat. It can also be used to activate your King Tower.
- Lightning: A powerful spell that deals significant damage to multiple targets. Use it to eliminate key defensive structures and weaken enemy troops.
- Baby Dragon: This flying unit provides splash damage, making it effective against groups of enemy troops. It can also support your push by clearing ground troops.
- Dark Prince: This unit serves as a tank killer with its area damage and charging ability. It can eliminate enemy units and clear a path for your Golem.
- Mega Minion: A strong air unit that deals single-target damage. Use it to counter enemy units and provide air support for your Golem.
- Lumberjack: This fast and powerful unit can quickly take down enemy troops. When it falls, it drops a Rage spell that boosts the attack speed of nearby friendly units.


Ram Rider Deck:

The Ram Rider deck is a strong choice in Clash Royale. It revolves around a split-aggro unit, where the rider targets enemies and the ram targets buildings. Our preferred version of this deck emphasizes fast card cycling, allowing you to deploy units frequently and maintain pressure on your opponents.

- Cannon: This building is useful for pulling and distracting enemy troops, providing a defensive advantage.
Fireball: A versatile spell that deals area damage, perfect for clearing enemy troops or finishing off weakened towers.
- Ice Golem: This card acts as a tank, soaking up damage and slowing down enemy troops' movement speed. It can also be used for kiting and distracting.
- Ice Spirit: Another low-cost card that freezes enemy troops briefly, providing an opportunity for your units to deal extra damage.
- Musketeer: This troop offers long-range attacks and is effective against both ground and air units. Use it to support your defense and counter enemy units.
- Ram Rider: The key unit of the deck, the Ram Rider targets enemies while the ram itself targets buildings. It provides both offensive and defensive capabilities.
- Skeletons: A low-cost card that can be used to cycle through your deck quickly and distract enemy troops.
- Zap: A quick spell that stuns enemy troops and resets their attack. It can also be used to retarget the opponent's defenses or disrupt their strategies.


Mega Knight Deck:

The Mega Knight is a highly popular unit in Clash Royale. It possesses area damage and boasts very high hit points, making it a formidable presence on the battlefield. Due to its strength, there are numerous decks that revolve around the Mega Knight as a centerpiece. Here's an excellent Mega Knight deck to help you begin:

- Mini P.E.K.K.A: This powerful unit deals high damage to single targets. It is effective against tanks and can quickly eliminate enemy troops.
- Mega Knight: The star of the deck, the Mega Knight, excels in area damage and has substantial hit points. It acts as a tank and can clear out multiple enemy troops at once.
- Miner: The Miner is a versatile unit that can be deployed anywhere on the battlefield. It can chip away at enemy towers or disrupt the opponent's strategies by targeting support troops or buildings.
- Minions: These flying units provide air support and can quickly take down ground units. They are effective against troops with low hit points.
- Musketeer: The Musketeer is a long-range unit that deals high damage and can target both ground and air units. It serves as a reliable support troop in this deck.
- Royal Delivery: This spell card combines area damage with the ability to spawn troops. It can clear out enemy units and provide additional support on defense.
- Wall Breakers: These are fast-moving units that target buildings. They can deal significant damage to enemy structures if left unchecked.
- Zap: A quick spell that stuns enemy troops and resets their attack. It can also be used to retarget defenses or disrupt enemy strategies.


Royal Delivery Deck:

This Clash Royale deck features the Royal Delivery, a versatile spell that deals damage and provides defensive capabilities. In this particular version, the deck focuses on utilizing the Royal Delivery to target air units and takes advantage of air superiority by incorporating the Balloon and Lava Hound.

- Balloon: This high-damage air unit targets enemy buildings. It can deal devastating blows to towers if left unattended.
- Fireball: A powerful spell that deals area damage, ideal for clearing groups of enemy troops or finishing off weakened structures.
- Lava Hound: The centerpiece of the deck, the Lava Hound is a tank that spawns Lava Pups upon death. It dominates the skies and disrupts the opponent's defenses.
- Mega Minion: This flying unit has moderate hit points and deals single-target damage. It provides air support and can counter enemy troops.
- Mini P.E.K.K.A: A strong ground unit that excels at eliminating tanks and high-hit point troops quickly. It deals massive damage.
- Minions: These flying units are effective against ground and air units. They can destroy enemy troops and support your push.
- Royal Delivery: The key spell in the deck, the Royal Delivery deals damage and spawns a set of troops. It is primarily used to target and eliminate air units.
- Zap: A quick spell that stuns enemy troops, resets their attack, and retargets defenses. It provides additional control and disruption.


Electro Giant Deck:

This Clash Royale deck revolves around the Electro Giant, a formidable unit that possesses the ability to stun and damage enemies within its vicinity. Our preferred version of this deck emphasizes sustaining the Electro Giant's health, utilizing the Tornado spell to group enemies together and make them vulnerable to area-of-effect damage, and capitalizing on those opportunities with the Electro Giant.

- Battle Healer: This support unit offers healing to your troops, including the Electro Giant. It helps to keep your units alive and maximizes their effectiveness.
- Dark Prince: A versatile unit that deals area damage and charges at enemies. It can clear out groups of troops and support your push.
- Electro Giant: The star of the deck, the Electro Giant possesses high hit points and the ability to stun and damage nearby enemies. It serves as your main offensive force.
- Fireball: A spell that deals significant area damage. Use it to eliminate swarms of troops or weaken defensive structures.
- Heal Spirit: This spirit provides a burst of healing to your units, including the Electro Giant. It can keep your troops alive during battles.
- Skeleton Dragons: Flying units that offer both air and ground support. They deal damage to enemy troops and can distract them effectively.
- Tornado: A spell that pulls enemy troops together, making them vulnerable to area-of-effect damage. It can disrupt their formations and create advantageous situations.
- Electro Dragon: This flying unit deals chain lightning damage to both air and ground units. It provides additional support and can clear out groups of troops effectively.


Sparky Deck:

Sparky is a rare and hard-to-obtain card in Clash Royale, so this deck might not be suitable for players who prefer not to spend money in the game. However, if you're willing to invest, this combination can be quite powerful.

- Dark Prince: This versatile unit deals area damage and charges at enemies. It supports your push and provides defensive capabilities.
- Goblin Giant: A tanky unit that splits into Goblins upon death. It can absorb damage and distract enemy troops.
- Goblin Cage: This building spawns a Goblin Brawler that distracts and attacks enemy units. It provides defensive value and distracts opponents.
- Lightning: A spell that deals heavy damage to multiple targets. It can eliminate defensive structures and weaken enemy troops.
- Mega Minion: A flying unit that deals single-target damage. It provides air support and can counter enemy troops effectively.
- Giant Snowball: This spell pushes back and slows down enemy troops, disrupting their movements and providing control.
- Sparky: The centerpiece of the deck, Sparky is a powerful unit that charges up and delivers a devastating blast. It deals massive damage but requires careful timing and support to be effective.
- Electro Wizard: This unit offers both offensive and defensive capabilities. It can stun enemy troops and reset their attacks.


Balloon Deck:

This deck revolves around the Balloon, accompanied by a variety of powerful cards with a fiery theme. The Lava Hound and Fireball provide significant damage, while the Balloon acts as a surprise element to catch your opponent off guard.

- Balloon: The star of the deck, the Balloon is an air unit that targets enemy buildings. It deals massive damage and can quickly destroy towers if left unattended.
- Barbarians: This group of four melee troops provides a strong defensive presence and can counter ground units effectively.
- Fireball: A spell card that deals substantial area damage. Use it to eliminate groups of enemy troops or weaken defensive structures.
- Lava Hound: A tank that flies and spawns Lava Pups upon death. It distracts enemy defenses and supports your push.
- Mega Minion: A flying unit that deals single-target damage. It offers air support and can counter enemy troops effectively.
- Skeleton Dragons: Flying units that attack both air and ground troops. They provide a versatile offensive and defensive option.
- Tombstone: A defensive building that spawns Skeletons to distract enemy troops. It can divert their attention and protect your towers.
- Zap: A quick spell that stuns enemy troops and resets their attack. It can also retarget defenses or disrupt enemy strategies.


Giant Deck:

This deck focuses on the synergy between the Graveyard and Skeleton Army, with the main highlight being the Giant. The Giant is a powerful unit that excels at rushing enemies and dealing significant damage. However, it's important to note that this deck lacks strong defensive buildings.

- Arrows: A spell that deals area damage, ideal for clearing out swarms of enemy troops or finishing off weakened units.
- Bats: These flying units provide air support and can quickly eliminate enemy troops. They are effective against both ground and air units.
- Giant: The centerpiece of the deck, the Giant is a tanky unit that targets buildings. It can absorb damage and create opportunities for your other troops to deal damage.
- Graveyard: This spell summons a group of Skeletons that attack enemy units and structures. It can catch opponents off guard and overwhelm them.
- Mini P.E.K.K.A: A strong ground unit that specializes in taking down tanks and high-hit point troops. It deals heavy damage and can be a reliable source of offense.
- Musketeer: This ranged unit deals high single-target damage. It provides air support and can take down enemy troops effectively.
- Skeleton Army: A swarm of Skeletons that can quickly eliminate enemy units. It serves as a strong defensive option and can also be used for counterattacks.
- Giant Snowball: This spell pushes back and slows down enemy troops, providing control and disrupting their movements.


Royal Hogs Deck:

We couldn't resist including a Royal Hogs deck because, well, they're pigs wearing helmets! This deck is not only enjoyable but also a great option for players who prefer not to spend money in the game. The Royal Hogs will be your primary damage dealers, but be cautious of enemy flying units since this deck lacks strong anti-air defenses.

- Barbarian Barrel: This spell rolls a barrel that damages and knocks back troops. It can take out low-hit point units or finish off weakened ones.
- Barbarian Hut: A defensive building that continuously spawns Barbarians. It provides defensive value and can counter enemy pushes effectively.
- Fireball: A spell that deals area damage. Use it to eliminate groups of enemy troops or weaken defensive structures.
- Flying Machine: A ranged flying unit that targets both air and ground troops. It provides air support and can take down enemy units effectively.
- Heal Spirit: This spirit provides a burst of healing to your units. It can keep your troops alive during battles and increase their effectiveness.
- Royal Hogs: The centerpiece of the deck, the Royal Hogs are fast-moving ground units that target buildings. They deal significant damage and can overwhelm your opponents.
- Royal Recruits: This card spawns a row of shielded recruits. They serve as a defensive option and can be used to counter enemy pushes effectively.
- Zappies: These units stun and slow down enemy troops. They offer control and disruption, allowing your other units to deal damage more effectively.


Mega Knight Graveyard Deck:

Mega Knight decks remain powerful, and the combination of Graveyard and Mega Knight is still a formidable one. The Mega Knight's ability to apply pressure on your opponent, coupled with the Graveyard's skeleton spawn, can be overwhelming to deal with, especially when played together.

- Barbarian Barrel: This spell rolls a barrel that damages and knocks back troops. It can be used to take out low-hit point units or finish off weakened ones.
- Electro Wizard: This versatile unit offers both offensive and defensive capabilities. It can stun enemy troops and reset their attacks, providing additional control.
- Fisherman: This unit has a long-range attack and can reel in enemy troops. It can disrupt enemy strategies and pull troops into the Mega Knight's area of effect.
- Goblin Cage: A building that spawns a Goblin Brawler to distract and attack enemy units. It provides defensive value and distracts opponents.
- Graveyard: This spell summons a group of Skeletons that attack enemy units and structures. It can catch opponents off guard and overwhelm them.
- Hunter: A ranged unit that deals high damage at close range. It is effective against both ground and air units, providing versatile defense.
- Mega Knight: The centerpiece of the deck, the Mega Knight is a powerful ground unit that jumps and deals area damage upon landing. It applies pressure and disrupts enemy defenses effectively.
- Poison: A spell that deals damage over time to enemy troops and structures. It can weaken and eliminate defensive structures, making it easier for the Graveyard and Mega Knight to deal damage.


Mortar Bait Deck:

The Mortar Bait deck revolves around the Mortar as the primary win condition. By forcing your opponent to respond to the Mortar's attacks, you can create opportunities to punish their over-commitment using cards like Fireball, Log, and Skeleton Barrel.

- Fireball: This spell deals area damage and can be used to eliminate enemy troops or weaken defensive structures.
- Goblin Gang: A swarm unit that consists of Goblins and Spear Goblins. It offers both defensive and offensive capabilities, providing distractions and damage.
- Knight: A versatile and tanky unit that can absorb damage and counter enemy troops effectively.
- The Log: This spell rolls along the ground, damaging and pushing back enemy troops. It can clear out swarms and knock back units.
- Mortar: The centerpiece of the deck, the Mortar is a long-range building that targets enemy structures. It forces your opponent to respond and defend, creating opportunities for counterattacks.
- Musketeer: A ranged unit that deals high single-target damage. It provides air support and can take down enemy troops effectively.
- Skeleton Barrel: When destroyed, the Skeleton Barrel releases a group of Skeletons that attack enemy units and structures. It can bait out enemy defenses and distract opponents.
- Spear Goblins: Ranged units that provide support and chip damage. They target both ground and air units.


Skeleton Dragons Deck:

The Skeleton Dragons deck focuses on maximizing the effectiveness of the versatile Skeleton Dragons, taking advantage of their decent damage, low cost, and flying ability. The strategy involves spamming the bridge with troops and creating a damage choke point to funnel your enemies.

- Bandit: A fast and powerful melee unit that dashes to attack. It can be used to quickly take out support troops or deal damage to enemy towers.
- Fireball: This spell deals area damage and can be used to eliminate enemy troops or weaken defensive structures.
- Firecracker: A long-range unit that deals area damage. It provides support from a distance and can take down swarms effectively.
- Ice Golem: A tanky unit that explodes upon death, slowing nearby enemy troops. It can soak up damage and provide support to your other troops.
- Prince: A charging melee unit with high damage. It can be used to break through enemy defenses and deal significant damage to enemy towers.
- Battle Ram: This unit charges at buildings and deals damage upon impact. It can be used to break through defenses or distract enemy troops.
- Skeleton Dragons: The centerpiece of the deck, the Skeleton Dragons are flying units that attack both ground and air troops. They offer versatility and can deal damage effectively.
- Zap: This spell resets the attacks of enemy troops and stuns them. It provides control and can disrupt enemy strategies effectively.


Royal Ghost Deck:

The Royal Ghost deck revolves around the Royal Ghost, a powerful area-of-effect damage unit that remains invisible until it engages in combat. This provides a significant advantage when attacking, especially when paired with the fast-moving Prince and splash damage units. The Giant acts as a tank, while the Electro Dragon provides speedy damage.

- Royal Ghost: The centerpiece of the deck, the Royal Ghost is an area-of-effect damage unit that remains invisible until it engages in combat. It provides surprise attacks and can clear out groups of enemy troops effectively.
- Giant: A high-hit point unit that acts as a tank. It can soak up damage and provide cover for your other troops, allowing them to deal damage effectively.
- Mega Minion: A flying unit that deals moderate damage. It provides air support and can take down enemy troops effectively.
- Poison: This spell deals damage over time and slows down enemy troops and structures. It can weaken defenses and provide area denial.
- Prince: A fast-moving unit with high single-target damage. It pairs well with splash damage units and can break through enemy defenses effectively.
- Skeletons: A cheap swarm unit that can distract and cycle quickly. It provides distractions and can chip away at enemy troops.
- Zap: This spell resets the attacks of enemy troops and stuns them. It provides control and can disrupt enemy strategies effectively.
- Electro Dragon: A flying unit that deals chain lightning damage. It provides both air and ground support, offering speedy damage.


Electro Spirit Deck:

The Electro Spirit deck focuses on the Electro Spirit, a low hit point unit that sacrifices itself to stun enemies. This provides an opportunity to follow up with The Log to crush those stunned enemies. The deck also includes other versatile cards to support your strategy.

- Goblin Barrel: This spell deploys a group of Goblins onto the opponent's side. It can be used to deal chip damage to enemy towers or force your opponent to spend Elixir to defend.
- Electro Spirit: The centerpiece of the deck, the Electro Spirit is a low hit point unit that sacrifices itself to stun enemies. It provides control and sets up opportunities for counterattacks.
- Goblin Gang: A swarm unit that consists of Goblins and Spear Goblins. It offers both defensive and offensive capabilities, providing distractions and damage.
- Knight: A versatile and tanky unit that can absorb damage and counter enemy troops effectively. It provides a solid defense and can be used as a support unit for counterattacks.
- The Log: This spell rolls along the ground, damaging and pushing back enemy troops. It can clear out swarms and knock back units, providing control and resetting their attacks.
- Princess: A ranged unit that deals splash damage from a distance. It provides long-range support and can take down swarms effectively.
- Rocket: This heavy spell deals massive area damage to enemy troops and structures. It can be used to eliminate high-hit point units or finish off weakened towers.
- Tesla: A defensive building that targets both ground and air units. It provides a strong defense against enemy pushes and can distract and damage troops effectively.


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