Infestation 88 - Mickey Mouse-Inspired Horror Game Revealed
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Jan 3, 2024
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Prepare for a bone-chilling experience as Nightmare Forge Games unveils "Infestation 88," a horror game that takes inspiration from Mickey Mouse.

Nightmare Forge Games, a renowned game development studio, has recently announced their latest project, Infestation 88—a spine-chilling co-op survival horror game that aims to captivate players with a nostalgic yet terrifying experience. Drawing inspiration from Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey, the developers have twisted the now-in-the-public-domain Steamboat Willie into something far more sinister and adrenaline-inducing.

Infestation 88 takes players back to the year 1988, where an initial outbreak of rodents in various locations quickly evolves into something far more ominous and nightmarish. Players will find themselves immersed in a world where survival is paramount, and the line between reality and horror becomes blurred.


In this harrowing journey, players will face diverse challenges that require strategic thinking and quick reflexes. Sometimes, you'll need to confront the abominations head-on, armed with weapons and your own courage. Other times, you'll be forced to flee for your life, desperately searching for a safe haven amidst the darkness. And when all else fails, hiding in lockers can be your only refuge from the relentless terrors lurking in the shadows.

To stay one step ahead of the infestation, players can set traps and utilize CCTV cameras strategically placed throughout the treacherous environments. These tools will assist in monitoring the movements of the abominations, allowing players to plan their actions carefully. Furthermore, randomized item layouts will keep the matches fresh, ensuring that every playthrough delivers a unique and unpredictable horror experience.


Nightmare Forge Games has promised a wealth of features to enhance the gameplay experience in Infestation 88. Players can look forward to private and public lobbies, providing options for both cooperative play with friends and terrifying encounters with strangers. Additionally, character customization will allow players to personalize their avatars, adding a touch of individuality to the terrifying journey.

Scaling enemy behavior ensures that the intensity of the game adapts to the number of players, keeping the challenges engaging and dynamic. Meanwhile, support for DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) technology promises enhanced graphics and optimized performance for players with compatible hardware.

To give players a glimpse into the horrifying world of Infestation 88, Nightmare Forge Games has released an announcement trailer that showcases the game's eerie atmosphere, intense gameplay, and the relentless pursuit of survival. Watching the trailer will surely send shivers down your spine and leave you eagerly anticipating the release of this bone-chilling experience.


If you're intrigued by the twisted nostalgia and the adrenaline rush of facing your fears in Infestation 88, you can add the game to your Steam wishlist. Stay tuned for further updates as Nightmare Forge Games continues to develop this highly anticipated survival horror masterpiece.