
Hades 2 Early Access Update Patch Note: Improvements and Fixes

Baby Shark dodododo
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Baby Shark dodododo
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May 23, 2024
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The latest Hades 2 early access update patch notes, featuring gameplay improvements, bug fixes, and quality-of-life enhancements as Supergiant Games addresses player feedback and fine-tunes the gaming experience.

The original Hades took the gaming world by storm, captivating players with its innovative gameplay mechanics and immersive storytelling. Building upon the success of its predecessor, Supergiant Games decided to develop Hades 2, much to the delight of fans and critics alike. The studio's commitment to delivering a polished and engaging experience is evident in the new patch notes for the early access update.


One of the standout features of this update is the improved responsiveness and reliability of gameplay mechanics. Thanks to valuable player feedback, Supergiant Games has fine-tuned the Sprint and Dash mechanics, making them more responsive and allowing for smoother movement. Your character's sprint is now innately faster, and you can dash out of attack recovery animations with increased reliability. These changes not only enhance the fluidity of combat but also add an extra layer of control to your gameplay experience.

Supergiant Games has also addressed numerous quality-of-life improvements. Players can now gather resources from any resource point once they've unlocked the corresponding Gathering Tool. This change streamlines the resource-gathering process, allowing you to focus more on the action-packed gameplay. Additionally, adjustments have been made to Driftwood resources, early encounters with Eris, mouse controls, and controller support.

The development team at Supergiant Games understands the importance of player feedback in shaping the game's future. They have already announced that a second update is in the works, which will include balance changes and further adjustments based on community input. This commitment to ongoing improvement ensures that Hades 2 will continue to evolve and provide a captivating experience for players.

Detailed patch notes for the Hades 2 early access update


General Gameplay

- Your Sprint is now innately faster, and turning is more responsive. Abilities that boost Sprint speed have been re-scaled to align with this change.

- Dash mechanics have been improved, allowing you to dash out of many attack recovery animations more reliably.

- Once you have unlocked the corresponding Gathering Tool, you can now gather from any resource point. Prioritizing a specific Tool in the Training Grounds will ensure its resources appear as often as before, while resources for other Tools will appear less frequently.

Altar of Ashes

- The Swift Runner card now makes your Dash activate immediately. However, due to the increased speed, the invulnerability period is slightly reduced. The Sprint speed bonus has also been re-scaled to match the innate sprint speed increase.

Level Design & Environments

- It is now easier to dash across chasms in Oceanus.

- Driftwood resources are more commonly found in the Rift of Thessaly.

Menus & UI

- Using a Well of Charon now displays your current Gold without needing to check your Boon Info.

- The Grasp Upgrade Tutorial in the Altar of Ashes will repeat if ignored.

- Added a Patch Notes option to the Main Menu for easy access.


- Early encounters with Eris are now less likely to occur, and she drops something of value.

- If you have already encountered Eris, keep an eye out for a one-time bonus in the Crossroads.

- Entries in the Book of Shadows are now easier to reveal.

- You can now gift Echo without having to wait as long after conversing.

- Animal Familiar upgrades that were affected by the Gathering Tool changes have been adjusted.

- In the Hades Flashback, a hint will eventually play for players who are unaware that they are in control.

- Improved mouse selection in various cases.

- Enhanced support for additional controllers.

- Abilities that boost Sprint speed now display more accurate numbers, generally lower than before.

- Various updates and fixes to translations in different languages.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed several issues with Dark Side (Selene).

- Fixed Sun Worshiper (Apollo) sometimes preventing new foes from spawning.

- Fixed Fire Extinguisher (Hestia) not dealing expected damage.

- Fixed Sister Blades Omega Attack not reliably hitting Chronos from certaindistances.

- Fixed an issue where enemies could sometimes get stuck on the surface of the Styx River.

- Fixed an issue where certain Boons were not affecting the Shield Special Attack correctly.

- Fixed a bug that caused the Styx boss encounter to become unwinnable under certain circumstances.

- Various other bug fixes and performance improvements.

The dedication of the Supergiant Games team to addressing player feedback and continuously improving Hades 2 is commendable. Their commitment to creating a seamless and immersive gaming experience shines through in these patch notes. With each update, Hades 2 becomes more refined, ensuring that players can fully immerse themselves in the rich and captivating world of the underworld.

With the recent early access update, Supergiant Games has paved the way for an even more engaging and rewarding experience. As you traverse the underworld, remember that your feedback and suggestions play a vital role in shaping the future of the game. Together, we can make Hades 2 an unforgettable gaming experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I access the early access update for Hades 2?

To access the early access update for Hades 2, make sure you have the game installed on your Steam account. The update should automatically download and install when you launch the game.

2. Are there plans for future updates and content additions to Hades 2?

Yes! Supergiant Games has confirmed that they are working on a second update, which will include balance changes and further improvements based on player feedback. They are committed to continuously evolving the game and providing new content to the players.

3. Can I still provide feedback and suggestions for Hades 2?

Absolutely! Supergiant Games greatly values player feedback and suggestions. You can share your thoughts, bug reports, and suggestions on the official Supergiant Games forums or through their social media channels. Your input helps shape the future of Hades 2 and contributes to making it an even better game.

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