
Helldivers 2: The Ultimate Best Weapons Tier List

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Feb 22, 2024
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Arm yourself with the knowledge of the top-tier weapons in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 is an adrenaline-pumping cooperative shooter that pits players against hordes of relentless enemies. As a member of the elite Helldivers unit, you are tasked with defending humanity and spreading democracy across the galaxy. With its intense gameplay, strategic depth, and challenging missions, Helldivers 2 offers an immersive experience that keeps players coming back for more.

In this blog post, we'll focus on one crucial aspect of the game: the weapons. Knowing which weapons are the best can make all the difference in your mission success. So, let's uncover the ultimate Best Weapons Tier List for Helldivers 2 and equip ourselves with the deadliest arsenal available.

Helldivers 2 Weapons Tier List

To excel in Helldivers 2, it's essential to have the right weapons at your disposal. Here's a breakdown of the Best Weapons Tier List, organized into S-Tier, A-Tier, B-Tier, and C-Tier categories.

S-Tier Weapons in Helldivers 2

The SG-225 Breaker:

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The SG-225 Breaker stands out as the undisputed champion among shotguns in Helldivers 2. This exceptional weapon surpasses its counterparts with its unrivaled performance, especially when utilizing the semi-automatic fire rate. Its prowess in shredding through enemy lines is truly remarkable. While its devastating impact at close range comes as no surprise, what sets it apart is its surprising effectiveness even at mid-range engagements. This versatility allows Helldivers to excel against various foes, including Automatons and Terminids.

Additionally, the SG-225 Breaker proves invaluable in encounters with larger adversaries like Chargers, as it possesses the ability to strip away their armor. To optimize your arsenal in Helldivers 2, ensure that you unlock this formidable weapon by following the progression guide in the Warbonds system.

A-Tier Weapons in Helldivers 2

AR-23 Liberator:

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Despite being your initial weapon in Helldivers 2, the AR-23 Liberator proves to be a reliable companion that can carry you through the majority of your journey as you progress and level up. Although one might assume that it requires immediate replacement, this assault rifle surprises with its consistent performance. With relatively low recoil and a generous fire rate, it excels in providing sustained firepower. However, it's worth noting that the high rate of fire necessitates caution, as it can deplete your ammunition swiftly. Therefore, keeping an eye on your ammo reserves becomes crucial when utilizing this formidable weapon. Embrace the AR-23 Liberator and let it demonstrate its enduring value on the battlefield as you advance through Helldivers 2.

P-19 Redeemer:

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The transition from the Peacemaker to the Redeemer in Helldivers 2 brings about a significant upgrade, characterized by reduced recoil and a remarkable increase in fire rate. This enhanced fire rate proves invaluable, as it allows you to effortlessly mow down hordes of enemies with ease. The Redeemer truly shines when undertaking tasks that involve carrying objects, such as the demanding launch code missions. Additionally, it serves as a reliable backup option when you find yourself completely depleted of ammunition for your primary weapon. Embrace the power of the Redeemer and experience its prowess in swiftly dispatching adversaries, making it an ideal choice for both objective-based missions and moments of dire ammunition scarcity.

SMG-37 Defender:

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When comparing the SMG-37 Defender to the MP-98 Knight in Helldivers 2, one immediately notices a heightened sense of control. The SMG-37 offers superior handling, making it feel more manageable in combat situations. While it excels as a secondary weapon, some may find it more suitable in that role rather than as a primary option. The reduced recoil and minimal reticle sway contribute to its enhanced accuracy. However, it's important to note that despite having a lower fire rate, the SMG-37 still consumes ammunition at a considerable pace. To address this, it is highly recommended to pair the SMG-37 Defender with a Supply Pack, ensuring a steady supply of ammunition during intense battles. Embrace the SMG-37 Defender as a versatile and reliable companion, providing you with control and firepower when you need it most in Helldivers 2.

B-Tier Weapons in Helldivers 2

P-2 Peacemaker:

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As a secondary weapon choice, the P-2 Peacemaker proves to be an excellent starting option in Helldivers 2. This reliable firearm delivers substantial damage and serves as a formidable supporting weapon, particularly in missions where the need for a one-handed firearm is crucial, as mentioned earlier. Notably, the P-2 Peacemaker boasts the same level of damage as the previously ranked A-Tier P-19 Redeemer Pistol. However, it falls slightly lower in our rankings due to its higher recoil and lower fire rate. While these factors may impact its overall performance, the P-2 Peacemaker still remains a commendable choice for Helldivers seeking a secondary weapon that packs a punch. Harness its potential and witness its effectiveness in providing the necessary firepower and support during your missions.

MP-98 Knight:

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Both SMGs available initially in Helldivers 2 have a distinct inclination towards being secondary weapons rather than primary ones. The MP-98 Knight, in particular, presents a challenge as it can quickly deplete ammunition without effectively hitting your intended targets. Its higher recoil and increased reticle sway contribute to the difficulty in maintaining precision. However, the advantage of the MP-98 lies in its rapid fire rate, which proves beneficial when facing groups of smaller enemies. While it may not excel as a primary weapon choice, it can still serve a purpose in overwhelming situations, allowing you to swiftly dispatch numerous adversaries. Approach the MP-98 Knight with caution, embracing its potential for crowd control while remaining mindful of its limitations in terms of recoil and accuracy.

R-63 Diligence:

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Both variations of the R-63 Marksman Rifles possess strengths and weaknesses that result in an equal standing in our tier list. The R-63 Diligence Marksman Rifle holds a slight edge over the Counter Sniper due to its lower recoil and higher ammunition capacity. However, it suffers from considerable reticle sway, making it most effective when utilized from a covered position while maintaining stillness during missions. It is important to note that there are alternative weapons that offer greater efficacy against robotic enemies, which is why the R-63 Diligence ranks lower in comparison.

The R-63 Diligence Marksman Rifle encounters difficulties when facing heavily armored foes and relies heavily on coordinated teamwork when wielded by a designated user. Its limitations become apparent when attempting to handle large swarms, as the user can easily become overwhelmed. Therefore, it is imperative to exercise caution and employ strategic positioning while utilizing this Marksman Rifle. Although it may face challenges in certain scenarios, the R-63 Diligence still possesses its own strengths and can contribute effectively to a well-coordinated team effort.

R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper:

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The R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper Marksman Rifle distinguishes itself with a superior damage output compared to the R-63 Diligence. However, it shares similar challenges with its counterpart while presenting an additional hurdle in the form of higher recoil, resulting in increased difficulty in maintaining control over the weapon. The elevated recoil poses a significant obstacle for precision aiming and necessitates a higher level of skill to wield effectively. Despite its formidable damage potential, the R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper requires a skilled and composed marksman to mitigate the recoil and maximize its effectiveness. Approach this weapon with caution, as its firepower can be rewarding but mastering its control is crucial for optimal performance.

C-Tier Weapons in Helldivers 2

SG-8 Punisher:

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The SG-8 Punisher boasts impressive firepower, delivering substantial damage. However, it falls into the category of a typical shotgun, excelling primarily in close-range encounters where it can swiftly dispatch a few enemies. When compared to alternatives like the Breaker, its shortcomings become evident, particularly in terms of its sluggishness in both firing and reloading. The SG-8 Punisher pales in comparison to the speed and efficiency offered by other shotgun options. While it can still serve a purpose, it is essential to recognize its limitations and consider alternative choices that offer a more responsive and efficient gameplay experience.

Las-5 Scythe:

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The Las-5 Scythe presents itself as a weapon that excels in specific, restricted scenarios, making it highly situational and not a top choice for general use. While its cutting power against enemies is commendable, it proves to be most effective when dealing with smaller groups of adversaries. However, one notable drawback of the Las-5 Scythe is its tendency to overheat during extended use, which can limit its sustained effectiveness. Moreover, as Helldivers progress to higher levels, the weapon's performance seems to diminish, making it more suitable for lower-level encounters.

Introduction of Playswap


If you're looking to enhance your Helldivers 2 experience, Playswap is a reputable marketplace where you can buy Helldivers 2 accounts and other in-game related items. Playswap offers a secure platform for players to trade, buy, and sell Helldivers 2 accounts, ensuring a safe and reliable transaction process.