
The Best Baldur's Gate 3 Weapons: Mastering the Act of Weapons Guide

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Jul 4, 2024
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Discover the most powerful weapons in Baldur's Gate 3 and learn the intricacies of how they work. From swords to bows, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to dominate the battlefield.

In the vast and immersive world of Baldur's Gate 3, the choice of weaponry can make all the difference between triumph and defeat. As you venture forth, navigating the treacherous landscapes and facing formidable foes, having the right tools at your disposal is paramount. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of the best Baldur's Gate 3 weapons, equipping you with the knowledge to dominate the battlefield.

Baldur's Gate 3: A Treasure Trove of Weaponry

The world of Baldur's Gate 3 is a veritable treasure trove of diverse and powerful weapons, each with its own unique capabilities and attributes. From the majestic longswords that slice through armor with ease to the deadly bows that rain arrows upon your enemies, the options are endless. As you progress through the game's three acts, you'll have the opportunity to acquire increasingly powerful armaments, each with the potential to turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Best Weapons in Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3

In the early stages of your journey, the following weapons stand out as the cream of the crop in Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3:

Sword of Justice: +1 Greatsword that allows you to give +2 AC to an ally as a Bonus Action
Joltshooter: +2 Longbow that grants the user 2 Lightning Charges per hit landed
Adamantine Longsword: Longsword that gives -1 to attack rolls for 2 rounds on every enemy it hits
Pale Oak: Quarterstaff that grants immunity to Druid vines and allows you to summon your own
Sickle of Boooal: Sickle that does 2D4 damage instead of 1D4, and grants advantage to hit bleeding targets

These powerful weapons can be found through a combination of main story quests, side quests, and strategic exploration. Mastering their unique abilities and incorporating them into your playstyle can give you a significant edge in the early stages of the game.

Best Weapons in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3

As you delve deeper into the world of Baldur's Gate 3, the weapons you'll encounter in Act 2 become increasingly impressive. Among the standout armaments are:

Infernal Rapier: +1 spell save DC rapier that does 1d8 +2 piercing damage
Moonlight Glaive: 1d10 +2 slashing, 1d4 radiant damage per hit
Ketheric's Warhammer: 1d8 +1 bludgeoning damage, 1d4 psychic per hit

These weapons can be obtained through various means, including quests, NPC interactions, and strategic exploration. Carefully evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon will allow you to make informed decisions and equip your party with the most suitable armaments for the challenges ahead.

Best Weapons in Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3

As you reach the climactic Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3, the weapons you'll encounter become truly awe-inspiring. Among the standout options are:

Foebreaker: 2d6+2 bludgeoning damage
Silver Sword of the Astral Plane:  2d6+3 slashing, 1d6 psychic damage
Woe: 1d6+2, comes with Arcane Vampirism to regain health when enemies fail a spell save DC
Handmaiden's Mace: 1d6+2 bludgeoning, 1d6 poison damage; increases your Strength stat to 18 while using

These weapons can be obtained through a variety of means, including completing companion quests, defeating powerful enemies, and exploring hidden locations. Carefully considering the unique properties and synergies of each weapon will be essential in crafting the ultimate arsenal to tackle the game's most daunting challenges.

Understanding Weapon Proficiency in Baldur's Gate 3

In Baldur's Gate 3, not all characters are created equal when it comes to wielding weapons. Proficiency plays a crucial role in determining a character's effectiveness with different types of armaments. While all characters can technically use any weapon, their proficiency, or lack thereof, will have a significant impact on their combat prowess.

Proficiency and Its Implications

Characters in Baldur's Gate 3 are considered proficient with certain weapons based on their class, race, and subclass choices. This proficiency grants them a valuable bonus to their attack rolls, allowing them to hit their targets more consistently and effectively. Without proficiency, characters will suffer a penalty to their attack rolls, making it much more challenging to land successful strikes.

Proficiency also unlocks the ability to use certain weapon-specific skills and abilities. For example, a character proficient with a longsword may be able to perform a powerful whirlwind attack, while a character lacking proficiency with the same weapon would be unable to execute this maneuver.

Determining Your Weapon Proficiencies

The vast majority of weapon proficiencies in Baldur's Gate 3 are determined by a character's class. For instance, a Fighter will typically be proficient with a wide range of melee weapons, while a Rogue may be more adept with finesse-based armaments like daggers and rapiers.

In addition to class-based proficiencies, certain races and subclasses in Baldur's Gate 3 also grant additional weapon proficiencies. Dwarves, for example, are automatically given proficiency in weapons like hammers and axes, while some subclasses may unlock the ability to use specific types of weapons.

It's important to note that there is no benefit to becoming proficient in a weapon more than once. If a character's race and class both grant proficiency in the same weapon, they do not receive any additional bonuses. Proficiency is a binary state – either a character is proficient or they are not.

To check your character's current weapon proficiencies, you can simply open your inventory and select the weapon icon on the left. This will display a list of all the weapons your character is trained to use effectively.

Simple and Martial Weapons: Understanding the Differences

In the world of Baldur's Gate 3, weapons are categorized into two primary types: simple and martial. Understanding the distinctions between these two categories is crucial for optimizing your combat strategy and making the most of your available armaments.

Simple Weapons
Simple weapons are the most basic and straightforward armaments in the game. They are typically easy to use, requiring little specialized training or technique. Examples of simple weapons include clubs, maces, quarterstaffs, and slings.

Martial Weapons
Martial weapons, on the other hand, are more complex and specialized. They often require a higher level of skill and training to wield effectively. Examples of martial weapons include longswords, greatswords, battleaxes, and longbows.

Proficiency and Weapon Type
The type of weapon a character is proficient with can have a significant impact on their combat effectiveness. Characters who are proficient with martial weapons will generally have an advantage over those who are only proficient with simple weapons, as they can take advantage of the increased damage and special abilities associated with these more advanced armaments.

It's worth noting that certain classes, such as Fighters and Paladins, are automatically granted proficiency in a wider range of martial weapons, while other classes, like Wizards and Clerics, may be more limited to simple weapons.


In the world of Baldur's Gate 3, the right weapon can mean the difference between victory and defeat. By equipping yourself with the best weapons available, you can unleash your full potential and conquer the challenges that lie ahead. From the Sword of Justice in Act 1 to the devastating Foebreaker in Act 3, each weapon possesses unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle.

Understanding weapon proficiency is crucial to maximizing your effectiveness in combat. By becoming proficient with the right weapons, you can increase your chances of landing successful hits and dealing more damage to your enemies.

So, gather your party, sharpen your blades, and embark on a thrilling adventure in the Forgotten Realms armed with the knowledge of the best Baldur's Gate 3 weapons. Unleash your power and become the hero that the realms need!

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