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What Fortnite Dev Says About Aim Assist Mechanics In V31.20 Update

By Nia
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Sep 20, 2024
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Explore Fortnite's V31.20 update on aim assist, including developer insights, community feedback, and future adjustments to balance gameplay between controller and mouse-and-keyboard users.

Recently, the developer Epic Games released the latest update on September 17, bringing the popular battle royale title to version 31.20. With numerous significant changes mentioned, players are particularly focused on the Aim Assist feature. Let’s take a look at what the Fortnite developers had to say about the new aim assist changes in this latest patch.
The aim assist feature in Fortnite provides more "human-like" tracking for controller players, aiming to balance the gameplay between those using controllers and those using keyboard and mouse.

Key statements from Fornite Dev

In the patch notes for V31.20, the developers confirmed several tweaks to the aim assist system, primarily focusing on its responsiveness and accuracy. According to the developers, the goal is to strike a balance between allowing controller players to compete fairly with mouse-and-keyboard users without giving them an unfair advantage.

On Twitter, Jibb Smart, one of the developers ,affirmed that the update is not intended to make aim assist stronger or weaker but rather to make it feel more natural. Earlier this year, there were several opinions that a Fortnite update had made aim assist too powerful, and this adjustment could be a response to that.


Community Feedback 

The Fortnite dev team has always been attentive to community feedback, and with the ongoing debate about aim assist. On Twitter, a developer responded to a player's concern, saying, “We know aim assist is a hot topic, and we’ll keep iterating on it based on what we hear from the community. The V31.20 changes are a step in the right direction, but we’re always listening.”
However, not everyone is satisfied. Some pro players argue that the changes still favor controller users, while others feel the balance has shifted too far away from giving them the assistance they need to compete at high levels. It’s clear the aim assist debate is far from over, but the dev team remains committed to making continual adjustments based on player data.

What’s Next?

As the V31.20 update settles in, Fortnite devs will monitor player feedback and competitive statistics to see how the changes are affecting gameplay. While the latest update seems like a compromise, the door is open for further tweaks and balancing in future patches.

In the meantime, players can expect more detailed patch notes and community insights from Fortnite’s developers as they fine-tune this integral aspect of the game.
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