
The Best Character in Borderlands 3

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Jul 30, 2024
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Unsure which Borderlands 3 character is the overall best? This comprehensive guide breaks down the strengths of each Vault Hunter to help you pick the perfect one.

Borderlands 3 is a loot-shooter masterpiece, offering players a diverse cast of Vault Hunters to choose from. But which one is truly the Best Character Borderlands 3 has to offer? In this guide, we'll take an in-depth look at the strengths and weaknesses of each playable character to help you determine the optimal choice.

Borderlands 3 features four unique Vault Hunters, each with their own special abilities and playstyles. Let's take a closer look at what makes each one unique:

Moze, the Gunner


As the Soldier-class character, Moze is all about raw firepower and explosive mayhem. Her signature action skill, Iron Bear, summons a powerful mech suit that can be outfitted with a variety of devastating weapons. When activated, Iron Bear provides Moze with unparalleled damage output and survivability, making her a force to be reckoned with.

Moze's skill trees focus on boosting her damage, ammo regeneration, and shield capacity. This makes her an excellent choice for players who want to unleash a relentless barrage of bullets and grenades. Her ability to shrug off damage and keep the pressure on makes Moze one of the Best Character Borderlands 3 options.

Amara, the Siren


Amara, the Siren-class Vault Hunter, excels at close-quarters combat and crowd control. Her action skills allow her to summon ethereal fists to pummel enemies, create shockwaves, or teleport and slam the ground. Amara's playstyle revolves around getting up close and personal to unleash devastating melee attacks and abilities.

While Amara's skill set requires a bit more finesse than Moze's, she can be an incredibly powerful character in the right hands. Her crowd control abilities and heavy-hitting melee attacks make her a formidable choice for players who enjoy a more technical, up-close-and-personal approach.

Zane, the Operative


Zane, the Operative-class character, is all about versatility and gadgets. He has access to a variety of action skills, including a powerful drone, an energy shield, and even a Digi-clone to distract enemies.

What sets Zane apart as one of the Best Character Borderlands 3 options is his ability to equip two action skills simultaneously. This allows him to tailor his loadout to the situation, whether he needs more firepower, defense, or utility. Zane's skill trees also focus on boosting his survivability and damage output, making him a well-rounded and adaptable choice.

FL4K, the Beastmaster


As the Beastmaster-class Vault Hunter, FL4K is all about commanding a loyal pet to aid them in combat. FL4K's action skills allow them to summon various beasts, from a ferocious Spiderant to a mighty Skag, to fight by their side.

FL4K's pet provides a valuable source of damage and distraction, helping to draw enemy aggro away from the player. Additionally, FL4K's skill trees offer a range of passive abilities that boost their pet's effectiveness and their own survivability.

While FL4K may not be the most straightforward choice, their pet and the ability to go invisible make them a viable option for players who enjoy a more strategic, pet-focused playstyle.

The Best Character Borderlands 3

After carefully analyzing the strengths and playstyles of each Vault Hunter, the Best Character Borderlands 3 is Zane, the Operative.

Zane's versatility is truly what sets him apart as the Best Character Borderlands 3 has to offer. As the Operative-class Vault Hunter, Zane has access to a wide array of gadgets and action skills that allow him to excel in a variety of situations. His ability to equip two action skills simultaneously is a game-changer, as it enables him to tailor his playstyle to the task at hand.

Whether you need more firepower, defensive capabilities, or utility, Zane can seamlessly integrate the appropriate tools into his arsenal. His skill trees offer a well-balanced blend of survivability, damage output, and supportive abilities, ensuring that Zane can adapt to any challenge that arises.

In solo play, Zane's versatility shines through. His action skills, such as the portable Barrier and the distracting Digi-Clone, can provide invaluable protection and tactical advantages. Coupled with his robust skill trees, Zane can build himself into a formidable solo powerhouse, capable of mowing down hordes of enemies with ease.

But Zane's strengths extend beyond solo play as well. In co-op scenarios, his gadgets and utility-focused abilities can be a game-changer, allowing him to support his team while still maintaining impressive firepower. Zane's ability to multitask and respond to changing situations makes him an indispensable asset in group play.


While the other Vault Hunters – Moze, Amara, and FL4K – each have their own unique appeal and strengths, Zane's sheer versatility and well-rounded kit solidify his position as the Best Character Borderlands 3 has to offer.

Moze, the Gunner, may deliver unparalleled firepower with her powerful mech suit, but Zane's ability to adapt and augment his playstyle gives him an edge in a wide range of scenarios. Amara, the Siren, excels at close-quarters combat and crowd control, but her more technical approach may not suit every player's preference.

As for FL4K, the Beastmaster, their unique pet-focused playstyle can be a rewarding choice for those who enjoy a more strategic, pet-centric approach. However, Zane's versatility and self-sufficiency often make him the more practical and universally appealing option.

Ultimately, the Best Character Borderlands 3 is a matter of personal preference, and each Vault Hunter offers their own distinct advantages. But for players seeking a well-rounded, adaptable, and highly capable option, Zane, the Operative, stands out as the premier choice in Borderlands 3.

When it comes to the Best Character Borderlands 3 has to offer, Zane, the Operative, stands out as the most well-rounded and adaptable choice. His versatility, gadgets, and ability to equip two action skills simultaneously make him a formidable Vault Hunter in both solo and co-op play.

That said, the other Vault Hunters – Moze, Amara, and FL4K – all have their own unique strengths and can also be viable options depending on your preferred playstyle. Ultimately, the "best" character comes down to personal preference and the way you enjoy tackling the challenges of the Borderlands 3 universe.

No matter which Vault Hunter you choose, Borderlands 3 offers a wealth of content and opportunities for players to become legends. So grab your weapon of choice, and get ready to unleash mayhem on the world of Borderlands!

Borderlands 3 Account Marketplace: Buy, Sell, and Trade with PlaySwap


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